high quality live streaming
live streaming
Live streaming doesn’t have to be complicated
We can film in almost any location and let your viewers see and hear your event at the same time as people attending the event. Your guests see the actions at the same time as the action unfolds. Our production crew not only documents your event, but also broadcasts a video stream over the internet that anyone with a desktop, iPad, or mobile phone can view. This can be a simple one camera stream for a seminar or class to a full produced event with graphics and text. Many times there is no one “at” the venue, the entire audience is viewing our production remotely. Our streaming productions are better and of higher quality than a standard zoom stream. And we have interactive, and audience participation functions available.
quick turnaround editing
Almost live is sometimes close enough
We also have the ability to quickly turn around LIVE events and host them on a streaming server, so that people can view your event soon after it happened. While not true LIVE streaming, this is a great way to save time and money but still deliver your message to the public quickly. Turnaround can be mere minutes or hours, to 24 hours for more complicated productions. Editing actually can begin on-site so you can check in on the progress!